
Lee County Traffic Accidents & Low-Visibility Driving Conditions

The weather here in Florida can be tricky. It can change at the drop of a dime. Not only do we have to worry about pouring rain, but we also have to worry about smoke and fog — especially if we’re driving.

Officials with the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) are urging drivers to be safe out there and to use extreme caution when driving through these conditions.

Officials with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), the Florida Forest Service and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) recently launched a new campaign to help to get motorists to drive as safely as possible in these conditions.

Our Fort Myers injury lawyers understand that these conditions can quickly endanger motorists. During many of our morning commutes, our roadways are covered in fog at this time of year. During all hours of the day, we run the risks of dealing with fire and smoke on our roadways — whether from controlled burns or other fire sources. Drivers need to beware of these risks and understand how to alter their driving in these conditions to help to reduce the risks of accidents.

Safety Tips for Driving in Low Visibility Conditions:

-Be sure that your headlights are on low. Putting on your high beams will only hinder your visibility even more.

-Slow it down. Travel below the speed limit if you have to.

-If you can’t see well enough to navigate safely, pull over to the side of the road. Make sure you’re as far from the road as you can go. Turn on your emergency flashers to help other motorists to see you there.

-Make sure you only turn on your hazard lights when you’re stopped on the side of the road. Do not drive down the road with them on.

-Report all hazards to local law enforcement agencies.

-Make sure you check out the weather conditions, the traffic conditions and the conditions of our roadways before venturing out.

-Allow extra distance between you and other vehicles when driving in low-visibility conditions.

-Be patient. We’re all in this together.

“Smoke from wildfires or prescribed burns can be unpredictable in changing weather conditions. Add fog into the mix and driving conditions may become worse. The Florida Forest Service along with FHP and FDOT are working together to educate drivers on what to do if they encounter smoke or fog on Florida’s roadways,” said Jim Karels, Director with Florida Forest Service.

Be patient out there. If you run into conditions that make it difficult for you to see — like heavy rain, smoke or fog — keep your cool. Don’t feel bad about pulling over to the side of the road. If that’s what’s going to help you to stay safe then do it. Taking these safety precautions is going to also help to keep the travelers around you safe, too!

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in an auto accident, call Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your case. 1-800-283-2900.

More Blog Entries:

Heightened Risks for Car Accidents with Daylight Savings Time, Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, November 6, 2012
Submersion Car Accidents Likely in Florida’s Watery Terrain, Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, November 1, 2012

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