Submersion Car Accidents Likely in Florida’s Watery Terrain

The state of Florida is lined by water and has bodies of water scattered throughout it. While it’s pleasant to live in paradise, it also comes with a lot of risks — like the risks for a submersion car accident.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that there are roughly 250 vehicle submersion car accidents that happen every year in the United States in which at least one person is killed.

More specifically, about 2 percent of these accidents wind up happening because of a rear-end accident. More than 10 percent of them are the result of a serious side crash, close to a 20 percent don’t involve a collision and are the result of a rollover accident and about 50 percent come from major frontal accidents.

Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers understand that these can be some of the worst accidents to happen on our roadways. It’s important that you’re prepared for these kinds of situations no matter how good of a driver you think you are. Cape Coral canals have been a particularly dangerous location for these crashes over the years.

We’re here to offer you some safety tips should you ever find yourself in a vehicle in one of Florida bodies of water. Review the safety tips listed below and share them with your friends and family members to help to increase the rate of survival in a submersion car accident.

If you vehicle drives into water:

-Stay calm. It might be difficult, but it’s important. You need to conserve your energy for the escape process and for helping others to get out of your car safely.

-As soon as you hit the water, you’ll want to try to roll down your windows, break one open or unlock your car doors.

-Most cars nowadays have power locks and windows. When these devices get into contact with water, it’s likely that they will stop working. This is why it’s important to make a move as soon as you hit the water.

-Consider buying a tool to shatter your window and to cut your seat belt. They can be purchased at any auto parts store.

-Once your vehicle starts to submerge, wait for the pressure to equalize. Once this happens, go ahead and try to open the door.

-Keep your seat belt on until you’re ready to escape. This will help to keep you sturdy and to keep you from flying around the cab while trying to open/break windows.

-Once you are out, check out the currents of the water. Always swim with the current, never against it.

The best safety precaution you can take is to try to avoid these kinds of accidents altogether. Try not to drive when there are hurricanes or major storms in the area. You also never want to travel along a roadway that’s flooded. Always adhere to road and traffic barriers and be extra cautious when driving at night, according to the National Safety Council (NSC).

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a car accident, call Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. 1-800-283-2900.

More Blog Entries:

Wearing White to Prevent Teen Accidents: Teen Driver Safety Week, Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, October 25, 2012

Operation Safe Driver Begins Year-End Enforcement Effort in Southwest Florida, Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, October 24, 2012

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