Teen drivers are up against some serious dangers out there behind the wheel. We’re in the middle of some of the most dangerous times for them to be on our roadways. In fact, August has the dubious distinction of having 4 of the top 10 deadliest days of the year.
Our Lehigh Acres car accident lawyers understand that these newly-licensed drivers don’t always fully understand the risks associated with having the privilege to drive. Unfortunately, speed isn’t always noted as one of the most dangerous factors in these accidents, but it oftentimes is. We tend to spend time focusing on driving under the influence and distracted driving. But speeding is arguably even more critical, according to USA TODAY.
As a matter of fact, speeding is getting more and more common in accidents involving young drivers. In 2000, speeding was a factor in about 30 percent of these accidents whereas in 2011 it was a factor in close to 35 percent, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA).
In a study funded by State Farm, researchers concluded that there were close to 20,000 speed-related accidents involving teen drivers from 2000 to 2011.
“Speeding is something people aren’t particularly concerned about,” says Susan Ferguson, an established highway safety consultant who authored the report.
It’s time to change that. It’s time we spend a little more time focusing on our younger drivers to help make our roadways safer for all travelers.
Speed limits aren’t there to slow us down; they’re there to help make sure traffic flows efficiently and that drivers are safe. This is something that is critical for our teen drivers to know.
Young males are most likely to put the pedal to the metal. It’s also the teen drivers who have three or more passengers. Young drivers are also more likely to speed during nighttime hours.
This is where we’re asking for your help. Parents and guardians need to step in and step up. Talk with your teen today about the risks for accidents among newly-licensed drivers. Make sure they understand the risks of speeding (not only a ticketed citation, but the risks for a potentially fatal accident). Make sure there are driving rules within your household with clear consequences for violations.
As for distracted driving — hang up the phone. Teenagers beware: It is now against the law to text and drive in Florida, according to the Florida Sheriff’s Association.
It’s important to remember that car accidents are the number one cause of death for teens, and you have the ability to make a change. Start the safe driving talk today and help save lives on the road.
Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, is a law firm that is dedicated to fighting for the rights of accident victims. If you were injured in an accident, call for a free and confidential consultation to discuss your rights. Call 1-800-283-2900.
More Blog Entries:
AAA Reports Multitasking a Myth Behind the Wheel, Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, June 27, 2013
Florida Car Accident Fatalities on the Rise, Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, June 29, 2013