As we recently reported on our Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, law enforcement agencies throughout Southwest Florida were out on the hunt for dangerous drivers through the busy holiday season. During this time, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and hundreds of law enforcement offices were pushing “4D Prevention Month,” which targets drunk, distracted and drugged drivers.
The increase in patrolling efforts is over, but the risk for car accidents in Naples and elsewhere throughout Southwest Florida continues through the busy winter tourism season. We would like to ask all residents to make a New Year’s resolution to be a better driver in 2012. Safer roadways start with you. Pledge to drive defensively, to drive soberly, to curb distractions and to be courteous to other drivers in the New Year.
Our Naples car accident attorneys are here to offer you some defensive driving tips from the Florida’s Department of Motor Vehicles. In 2010, which are the most recent traffic accident statistics available, there were nearly 236,500 car accidents in the state of Florida. Of these accidents, there were more than 2,440 people killed and another 196,100 people injured. All of these numbers illustrate a decrease from the previous year. Let’s all work together to help to reduce these numbers even further in 2012.
Safe Driving Tips from Florida’s Department of Motor Vehicles:
-Always practice the two second rule. Never tailgate another vehicle. The less time there is between your car and another car the less time you have to react to a road hazard.
-Never drink and drive. Driving requires your full attention, which is not available to a driver who is drunk. Alcohol significantly hinders your judgment behind the wheel. Keep in mind that a DUI can cost you roughly $8,000 and will remain on your record for 75 years.
-Stay calm. Don’t be an aggressive driver. These types of drivers cause traffic accidents rather than prevent them.
-Keep your focus on the road. Avoid distractions such as eating, playing with the music, using a cell phone, text messaging or talking with passengers. Distractions take a driver’s attention off of the road and increase the risks for accidents. Distraction-related accidents take the lives of thousands every year.
-Always wear a seat belt. These devices have the ability to save your life in the event of an accident.
-Be cautious of bicyclists and pedestrians. These travelers are much more vulnerable to injury and death in the event of an accident. They have the same rights to the road as motorists. Be cautious and courteous.
-Obey all traffic signs and lights. These devices are used to keep drivers safe.
-Always follow the speed limit. Remember that these limits are to be used for ideal weather conditions. When it’s foggy or rainy on our roadways, slow it down.
If you, a friend or a family member has been injured in a car accident in Fort Myers, Naples, Cape Coral or Sebring, contact Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, for a knowledgeable explanation regarding your rights. Our experienced injury attorneys are available for a free appointment to discuss your case in detail by calling 1-800-283-2900.
More Blog Entries:
National Campaign Urging Drivers to Pitch In to Reduce Risks of Distraction-Related Car Accidents in Fort Myers, Nation, Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, January 7, 2012
Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere Leading Cause of Death for 3- to 34-Year-Olds, Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, December 29, 2011