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The holidays increase injury risks in a number of ways, from motor vehicle accidents to defective products we unwittingly bring into our homes.slip and fall

But, while most consider shopping a fun departure from our daily life, too many overlook the risks, particularly at the holidays.

Our injury lawyers in Cape Coral and Fort Myers know this season could be riskier than most, both because shoppers are expected to return to stores in droves after the last two holidays shopping seasons were stunted by spiking COVID cases, and because business are still trying to recover from Hurricane Ian.

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There is every evidence this will be a record Thanksgiving travel season.thanksgiving-300x200

The week of Thanksgiving is always the busiest week on the roads each year. But this year is expected to be busier than most for a number of reasons: Gas prices, while still high, have moderated, families are determined to get together after two years of holiday plans interrupted by COVID, and flying is an expensive mess.

The Thanksgiving Travel Survey 2022 projects nearly half of all adults — some 112 million motorists — plan to travel for Thanksgiving.

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Setting the clocks back an hour brings with it early darkness and an increased risk of car accidents, particularly those involving pedestrians.

There has been much debate about Daylight Savings Time, with many favoring setting the clocks and eliminating the twice-yearly changing of time. Advocates for permanent Daylight Savings Time, which brings more light to early evening hours, cite a reduction in car accident risks and more time for residents to shop, dine and spend money at local businesses. streetsigns-300x200

But it’s a debate that has raged for decades and still we deal with early darkness each fall.

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The damage caused by Hurricane Ian was historic. By most estimates, the destruction will surpass Hurricane Katrina as the most costly storm in U.S. history. https://www.injury-lawyer-florida.com/files/2018/06/Roofing.Accidents-300x213.jpg

At Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, our attorneys and staff members live and work right here in Southwest Florida. For 50 years since Bruce L. Scheiner set up his first downtown office, we have been dedicated to fighting for the rights of victims and families in Lee, Collier and Charlotte counties.

While recovering from the destruction wrought by Hurricane Ian will be a monumental challenge, there is already evidence of scammers working the area to take advantage of the tragedy. Unfortunately, with tree-trimmers, roofers and general contractors in high demand, and residents desperate to make repairs and prevent further damage, too many homeowners will be vulnerable.

As we work toward recovery from the historic damage caused by Hurricane Ian, it’s important for private property and business owners to understand their liability when it comes to preventing injury resulting from hazards on their property. construction injury

Businesses are fighting for survival and working hard to get employees back to work as quickly as possible. Property owners, likewise, are doing everything possible to rebuild. Nobody wants to be responsible for an injury resulting from dangerous or hazardous conditions. There are steps you can take to help protect yourself and visitors.

Florida premises liability law categorizes property guests as invitees, licensees, or trespassers.

When it comes to helping in the wake of Hurricane Ian, each of us at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner are committed to doing whatever we can.

For more than 50 years, Bruce L. Scheiner has fought for the rights of Southwest Florida residents. Our large staff of attorneys, paralegals, investigators and support personnel live and work right here in Southwest Florida. We are working shoulder-to-shoulder to help family, neighbors, co-workers and complete strangers with basic needs as we all begin the process of rebuilding our beautiful community, better and stronger.bls

In addition to organizing assistance efforts and working with organizations in our communities, we have partnered with law firms who focus on property damage claims to help ensure Southwest Floridians get the experienced legal help they need during this trying time. We are here to help devastated homeowners who need assistance with hurricane claims. As areas of Southwest Florida regain power and return to some measure of normalcy, let’s not forget some will be working toward recovery for years, while others will never recover from the devastation wrought by this generational storm.

Riding is a year-round activity in Florida. While motorcycles are being stored for the winter throughout the northern parts of the country, motorists should expect to see them hitting the streets in large numbers here in Southwest Florida.

In fact, winter is the busiest time for bikers in our area. When the rain ends and cooler temperatures return, solo bikers and large riding groups make their way onto our local highways and byways. A number of large motorcycle events—from Cape Coral Bike Night to Daytona Bike Week —will also draw riders to our area from across the nation.motorcycle accident

For more than half a century, our motorcycle injury attorneys have been fighting for the rights of motorcycle riders and their families in Lee, Collier, and Charlotte counties. Riders are often blamed for collisions in the court of public opinion, but statistics show that more than half of all crashes involving a passenger vehicle are the fault of the passenger vehicle’s driver.


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personal injury lawyerThe coronavirus pandemic has been isolating for many of us, but some populations have been more severely impacted than others. Perhaps most affected by pandemic-related isolation were the elderlyespecially those in nursing homes. This year will be the first near-normal holiday season in three years, as the last few seasons were marked by strict coronavirus policies that effectively suspended visitation time for nursing home residents.

News coming out of these facilities has not been encouraging. Large, nationwide, for-profit operators continue to consolidate the industry. A growing emphasis on the bottom line, combined with a critical shortage of skilled nursing care due to pandemic demands, continues to stress staffing levels in nursing homes and assisted-living centers.

Given the easing of restrictions as the pandemic wanes in severity, now is an ideal time to visit loved ones and survey their living conditions.

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We are entering the height of hurricane season in Southwest Florida, and all eyes are on the big storms. Activity in the Atlantic has local residents bracing for catastrophic property damage, flooding, and power outages. However, residents should not overlook more commonplace threats while prepping for “the big one.”  The near-daily thunderstorms that define fall in Florida make it one of the most dangerous times of the year for motorists. lightning11-240x300

Sudden storms are the norm in our state, often causing blinding rains, reduced traction, and flooding that can challenge even veteran drivers. Due to these hazards, we encourage you to service your vehicle and check your tires for adequate tread. Florida’s mild winters eliminate the early spring and late fall maintenance schedules followed by motorists in much of the rest of the country, and it is easy to be caught off guard by rapidly changing road conditions. In addition, intense summer temperatures and blistering asphalt can quickly degrade tires when tread and traction are most needed. Ensuring your car is ready for inclement weather is the best way to combat difficult road conditions due to Florida storms.

Weathering the Storm: Safe Driving in SWFL

While the winter months are most challenging for northern motorists, drivers in South Florida must cope with severe storm conditions from June until November, with some outliers striking in the off-season.

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Anyone who has been in a car accident knows just how frightening the experience can be. When the peaceful thrum of the road is suddenly replaced by a violent jolt, squealing tires, and twisted metal, anyone who walks away unscathed is apt to feel relieved—and rightly so. Many collisions in Florida result in serious injuries that force the victim into immediate and long-term medical care, often at very high cost. Once the smoke has cleared, therefore, one of the first decisions to make is which doctor to trust for your necessary treatment. medical malpractice

Confidence in your medical providers is always important, but in the aftermath of a jarring wreck, feeling comfortable and safe with your doctor is a prerequisite for proper recovery. Since most general medical providers don’t treat crash victims, it’s important that you understand the capabilities of your primary care physician and their policy regarding accident-related injuries. To receive optimal and timely care, you may have to seek out practitioners who specialize in treating your specific array of symptoms. If this is the case, due diligence is key: Verified online reviews, primary care referrals, and recommendations from friends and experts can augment your research into which practices are best suited for your needs.  

Keep in mind that you should get treatment for your injuries even if they feel insignificant at the time of the crash. The body’s shock response to trauma can leave you numb to acute pain at the scene, and many symptoms from common accident injuries—particularly those involving soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and ligaments—can take days to fully manifest. This means you may “feel fine” right after a collision and opt against seeking the medical attention you actually require.  

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